Author: Joelle Casteix

  • Well-Armored Child Review in Gallup Independent

    Well-Armored Child Review in Gallup Independent




    The Gallup Independent does not have an online edition. The entire article is posted here.

    Published in the Gallup Independent, Gallup, NM, Feb. 1, 2016

     Advocate publishes parent’s guide on sex abuse


    By Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola

    Independent correspondent


    GALLUP — As an advocate for victims of sexual abuse, Joelle Casteix has used her own experience to help support other survivors.

    Casteix was sexually molested as a teenager by one of her high school teachers. Although she has worked as a journalist, educator and public relations professional, that devastating experience as a teen eventually led Casteix to become the volunteer Western Regional director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. Despite the word “priest” in the title, the organization offers support to abuse victims from all backgrounds and denominations.

    In recent years, Casteix, who lives in California, has widened the scope of her efforts to also educate parents and communities about abuse-prevention strategies. As a result, she recently published the book “The Well-Armored Child/A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Sexual Abuse.”

    Q: Why was it important to you to write this book?

    A: I have been a survivor/ advocate for almost 15 years, working with victims of child sexual abuse from all over the world. But no matter where the survivor was from, every victim’s story was strikingly similar to that of other victims, and my own.

    I realized that the vast majority could have been saved from abuse — or become a “hard target” — if the victim’s parents and community members had learned a few simple tools. The problem is that no one tells parents what those tools are.

    Q: What are some of the warning signs that a child is being sexually abused?

    A: Is an adult spending too much time with your child and/or showering your child with attention? Have you noticed behavioral changes in your child, including secrecy, changes in peer group, secret social media and email accounts, gifts that your child cannot or will not explain (including technology, gift cards, pornography and other expensive items)? Has your child recently quit a favorite sport or hobby for no apparent reason? Is your child suddenly ashamed or embarrassed about his or her body? Is he or she skipping class? Are you seeing overly sexualized behavior or language in your child?

    Older teenagers who have been sexually abused can and do show more aggressive “acting out,” including drug and alcohol use, anger and aggression. Girls tend to act more “inward,” and instead show signs of shame, depression, cutting (or other self-destructive behaviors), isolation and fear. Always address any noticeable changes in behavior and open up lines of communication with your child.

    Q: Explain what “grooming” is, and list some of the common grooming tactics of predators.

    A: Predatory grooming is how an adult targets and creates a “compliant” victim, that is, a victim who is too scared and manipulated to understand and/or report the sexual abuse. Predators use attention, flattery, gifts (including technology, drugs, alcohol, money, food and toys) and secrets to isolate the child from peers, make the child feel special, blur sexual boundaries, and convince the child that the abuse is love. It’s a long process of subtle manipulation that can take weeks to months. The goals? Gain access to a child, build trust and make him or herself the center of the child’s world … in order to sexually abuse the child.

    Grooming is a main reason why many victims can take decades to report. Because the child was so carefully manipulated, the child believes he or she did something to “ask for” or “deserve” the abuse. The child believes the abuse was his or her fault. What’s even more tragic is that a carefully groomed child will often love and respect their abuser, even though the child knows the abuse is wrong.

    Q: Are there typical red flag behaviors that predators tend to exhibit?

    A: Not really. Predators are cunning. They are not the “strangers in trench coats” and do not follow stereotypes. They can be men, women and even other children. That’s why it’s important you empower your child with strong body boundaries, the proper biological language to describe his or her body, and make your rules and boundaries clear to others when it comes to your child. A predator is far less likely to target a child who knows the proper names for body parts, has a good relationship with his or her parents, and who has parents who will not allow the predator to spend inappropriate unsupervised time one-on-one with a child.

    Q: How common is the sexual abuse of children by other kids or older teens?

    A: Recent statistics from the Office of Victims of Crime state that approximately 25 percent of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by another child. The reason this type of abuse proliferates is twofold. First, adults tend to shrug off the behavior as “child’s play” or “boys will be boys.” The second reason is the idea that a child could sexually abuse another child is abhorrent: We don’t want to think about it. Fortunately, our society has taken a strong stance on bullying — encouraging children to report, not be a bystander, and stand up to aggressive children. Because of that, child-on-child sexual abuse is now reported more often by children, who see it as a violent form of bullying.

    If your child says he or she has seen this kind of abuse or has been sexually abused by another child, report to law enforcement immediately. Both the victim and the abusive child need immediate help and intervention. It is a serious crime.

    Q: What should parents know about children’s use of the Internet and social media?

    A: Predators can groom children just as easily over the Internet as they can in person — and this kind of grooming is preventable. Monitor all Internet-enabled devices in your home.

    If you get pushback from your child, remember: It is your name on the contract for Internet service. Therefore, your child should have no expectation of privacy on the Internet. Make sure all Internet-capable devices (phones, tablets, gaming consoles) are only kept and used in common areas of the home and never behind closed doors. Make a “no cellphones in bathrooms” rule. Ensure your children understand and communicate to peers and adults that you monitor everything — this not only cuts down on cyber bullying, but puts predators on notice.

    Q: What can parents do to protect their children from being vulnerable to sexual abuse?

    A: There are three things: Communicate openly with your child, help your child cultivate strong body boundaries and authentic self-esteem, and monitor Internet-enabled technology.

    Q: If a reader has experienced sexual abuse, what message would you share with him or her?

    A: Acknowledge the abuse, talk about it and get help. You are not alone and the abuse was not your fault. There are wonderful healing resources available for men and women of all ages who were sexually abused as children and/or sexually assaulted as an adult. You can regain your power, your dignity and your voice. And by speaking out, getting help and healing, you can help break the cycle.

    Q: How much is your book, and where can readers purchase it?

    A: The book is $12.95 for the paperback and $3.99 for the ebook (Kindle/Nook). It can be purchased directly through Amazon or Barnes and Noble.


  • “Baby-buying” seminarian rejected by 45 dioceses, orders

    “Baby-buying” seminarian rejected by 45 dioceses, orders


    Joel A.Wright, second from left, was arrested at the San Diego airport on Friday. Credit U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, via Associated Press
    Joel A.Wright, second from left, was arrested at the San Diego airport on Friday. Credit U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, via Associated Press


    What made the Stubenville diocese take a potential seminarian that 45 other dioceses and religious orders had previously rejected?

    Joel Wright is the 23-year-old Catholic seminarian who has been charged with attempting to adopt or purchase (for cash) a 1-year-old and a 4-year-old. He didn’t want to be a father. He wanted them for the purpose of molesting.

    Yeah, that’s repugnant. But the larger story is far more pernicious.

    When interviewed, Wright’s mother gave away a bombshell.

    From Columbus Ohio’s Channel 10:


    [Wright’s mother] said life for her son as one of roughly 15 pre-theology students at Pontifical College Josephenum wasn’t easy.  She claims his path to priesthood was a bumpy road filled with dozens of rejections because of his cataracts and glaucoma.

    “I stopped counting after 45 rejections of how many diocese and religions orders that declined him for his physical disability, for his vision, for his orthopedic for his health impairment.”


    If the Catholic Church in the United States refused to accept men into the priesthood due to visual impairments, they would have a big ADA complaint on their hands.

    In fact, who better to help and minister to the visually impaired than someone who shares the same struggles?

    The 45 rejections had nothing to do with his eyesight.

    My guess? He failed the psych exams. And Wright kept applying and applying and applying until he found a place desperate (and negligent) enough to take him.

    Stubenville (with its history of abuse and the destruction of secret documents) fit the bill perfectly.


  • Catholics who stopped “sitting back and taking it”

    Catholics who stopped “sitting back and taking it”


    Disgraced former St. Paul and Minneapolis Bishop John Nienstedt
    Disgraced former St. Paul and Minneapolis Archbishop John Nienstedt – Out of (another) job

    There are two very amazing and interesting aspects of today’s news about disgraced Twin Cities Archbishop John Nienstedt. After national media attention and huge (and righteous) push back from Michigan Catholics, Nienstedt has been forced to leave a temporary position in a Michigan parish.

    If you’re just catching up to the story, Kalamazoo Catholic officials didn’t think it would be a big deal for Nienstedt to work in a Battle Creek parish, even though, according to MLive:

    Nienstedt and his high-ranking clergy in the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and St Paul are accused of repeatedly ignoring warnings that went on for years about sexually abusive priests, and of failing to contact law enforcement to report possible criminal acts they knew about. He resigned from his post after the archdiocese was charged with civil and criminal complaints last summer.

    There are also five allegations that Nienstedt made sexual advances to seminarians.

    But the real news in this story is this: Catholics pushed back. They made it perfectly clear that they didn’t want a priest who covered up sexual abuse (and may not be able to keep his hands to himself) in their parish, period.

    Good for them. It’s THEIR church, funded by THEIR donations. It’s THEIR children’s safety. And Battle Creek Catholics aren’t going to let some guy in another city tell them who will baptize their children, marry them, and assume moral authority over their community.

    But that’s just part of it …

    The other interesting part of this story is how utterly tone deaf both Nienstedt and Kalamazoo Bishop Paul Bradley are when it comes to sex abuse and cover-up.

    We live in an internet age, where a simple Google search will tell Catholics far more about their incoming priests than their bishops do. Did Bishop Paul Bradley honestly think that parents were just going to take whatever trash was sent their way? Did he think that they wouldn’t care that Nienstedt was part of the largest sex abuse and cover-up scandal to hit Minnesota?

    Does he really think that the faithful are that stupid? Apparently, he does. He also made sure to make it look like they were overcome with hurt and fear.

    Actually, they were overcome with intelligence, child safety, and a healthy dose of risk management.

    I hope the faithful continue to push back. Over and over and over again.



  • Hawaii civil window update, part II: Kamehameha Schools get slammed

    Hawaii civil window update, part II: Kamehameha Schools get slammed


    I wasn’t joking when I said it was a big day for the Hawaii civil window for victims of child sexual abuse.




    First, we found out that the Diocese of Honolulu is suing its insurer, exposing the fact there are 60 sex abuse lawsuits against the diocese, 29 of which have been settled.

    Now, we have learned that Hawaii’s sex abuse scandal goes deep into the heart of one of its most beloved institutions:

    More than 26 alleged victims of a long-time psychiatrist at the Kamehameha Schools have filed sex abuse lawsuits against the school.

    According to the lawsuit, “Kamehameha Schools has known about the allegations for the last 25 years but failed to respond or investigate them.”

    The school, whose mission is “to create educational opportunities in perpetuity to improve the capability and well-being of people of Hawaiian ancestry,” has more than 5400 students and a $11 billion (yes, with a “b”) endowment.

    That’s 11 billion reasons to cover up for a sex-abusing psychiatrist, n’est-ce pas?