EXCLUSIVE: Catholic composer accused of sexual battery worked with known predator for years

Over the weekend, Catholic hymn composer, performer, and youth conference organizer David Haas was dropped by his publisher after the company learned the musician was under investigation by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for sexual battery and other offenses. Haas also ran a music camp for teens called Music Ministry Alive, which according…Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: Catholic composer accused of sexual battery worked with known predator for years

Don’t go it alone: How to find a civil attorney for your child sex abuse case

I get SO MANY emails asking for help in this arena. Start here. You can always email me for suggestions and guidance, too. And no “helpful hints” on video production, please. I can’t take any more. My 13-year-old son is already overloading me how much improvement I need. Ugh. I told him that my videos…Continue reading Don’t go it alone: How to find a civil attorney for your child sex abuse case

Victims to Hawai’i Bishop: Make all predators’ names public

The first step to transparency is being, well … transparent. And when your former bishop is a three-time-accused (that we know of) predator, that makes transparency even more important. Victims to Hawai’i Bishop: Make all predators’ names public Thirty other dioceses have exposed accused clerics Seattle list included abuser in hiding in Honolulu Former bishop…Continue reading Victims to Hawai’i Bishop: Make all predators’ names public