Oklahoma City: Where Zero Tolerance Means Zip …

What exactly does it take to get a priest removed?

What does it take to get OKC Archbishop Paul Coakley to warn parishioners about a priest’s past?

What does it take to get a religious community to stop minimizing a guilty plea to a sex crime?

Fr. Jose Alexis Davila has now been exposed across San Diego and the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City as the man who plead guilty to unlawful sexual touching and battery in 2012. He sexually assaulted a woman in his home.

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What did Archbishop Paul Coakley do? Well, he:

It’s appalling and criminal. Coakley should be ashamed and removed.

I doubt Archbishop Coakley would allow Davila to run a parish if he were convicted of embezzlement.




One response to “Oklahoma City: Where Zero Tolerance Means Zip …”

  1. ClevelandGirl

    My question is just what kind of “political persecution” did his family experience in recent years? From the statement, it appears that his family moved from Argentina to Oklahoma and that’s why he’s been stationed in OK. I didn’t know that there was any kind of “political persecution” in the last few years in Argentina that would qualify someone to become a political refugee to the United States. That part of the statement has to be BS!

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