Convicted Priest Resurfaces in Oklahoma

So we can assume that OK City Archbishop Paul S. Coakley doesn’t bother with that whole “background check” thing.


A former San Diego priest who vanished after he pled guilty to misdemeanor sexual battery and “engaging in unlawful sexual touching” in 2012 has resurfaced in parishes in Oklahoma.

Fr. Jose Alexis Davila
Fr. Jose Alexis Davila

Fr. Jose Alexis Davila was sentenced to three years’ probation in 2012 and ordered to stay away from the 19-year-old victim. The Diocese of San Diego was harshly criticized for allowing the priest back in a parish.

By October of that year, Davila was gone.

Thanks to a tip from a reader, I learned that Davila was assigned to Blessed Sacrament Parish in Lawton, OK in December 2015—in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma Archbishop Paul Coakley: “You’re a sex offender? No worries! I’ve got a job for you.”

In the introduction to the parish, Davila is described as a priest from Venezuela, who emigrated here because he his family was persecuted.

Father will be with our parish to assist Father Chapman. Reverend José A. Dávila was ordained in the Diocese of Cabimas, Venezuela on December 15, 1984. He most recently served as Pastor of Cristo Redentor, in Ojeda, Venezuela. However, he has pastoral experience in the United States. Several years ago Father Dávila’s family immigrated to the USA due to political persecution in Venezuela. To avoid any further persecution and to be closer to his family, Father Dávila, with permission of his Bishop in Cabimas, sought to serve in this Archdiocese.

That’s funny … no mention of the whole, “and he’s a sex offender” issue. Or exactly what his “pastoral experience” in the United States was.

In March of this year, he was moved to another parish and its missions:

Official Assignment Effective March 29, 2016

Fr. Alexis will be the administrator at Saint Ann Church, Elgin and missions, Mother of Sorrows Church, Apache, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Sterling. We are grateful Fr. Alexis has been with our parish since December. We wish him well, but this is not goodbye! God bless you Father on your assignment.

Archbishop Coakley has some explaining to do.


4 responses to “Convicted Priest Resurfaces in Oklahoma”

  1. Misty Mikhailin

    He is a convicted sex offender in these rual places, there us no telling what he is doing in these small unknown communities. Who cares what say his back story is, that’s besides the point!

  2. ClevelandGirl

    I didn’t see this post before my other post, but just what kind of “political persecution” could his family have experienced in Argentina? I’m assuming that they claimed “political refugee” status and moved to Oklahoma, hence this creep’s assignment there. Last I looked, Argentina doesn’t have any current or recent political problems that would make people into refugees, so I’m thinking that this claim is BS.

  3. Anne d’ Auray Tracy

    How widespread is this returning guilty priests to ministry in this country and elsewhere? What has happened to the Charter? How many bishops are guilty of this crime?

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