Category: Parenting

  • The Not-So-Secret Institutional Code Words for Child Sex Abuse




    There has been no shortage of news this summer when it comes to the US clergy sex abuse crisis. Although the Vatican is attempting to clean up the mess as much as possible before Pope Francis’ September visit (including accepting the resignations of the St. Paul and Minneapolis archbishop and bishop, as well as finally ousting the convicted Kansas City-St. Joseph bishop), very little has changed when it comes to zero tolerance.

    You can read about some of the recent scandals—where credibly accused priests remain in ministry—here, here, and here.

    We still need to remain vigilant. And as more victims in other organizations such as the Boy Scouts and religious groups besides the Catholic Church come forward and demand justice, it’s vital that we remember that our top priorities must always be child safety and victim healing.

    In light of this, let’s go back to basics: the Code Words.

    If you or your child are a part of an organization with an allegation of child sexual abuse, demand transparency … or leave the group. And if you’re wondering if your institution is transparent, keep an eye out for these cover-up Code Words. Not every code word means that there is sexual abuse, but every one of these code words can be a sign of real trouble and cover-up.


    • Boundary violation
    • Inappropriate touching
    • Victim alleged additional details, discredited
    • Long hugs
    • Kissing
    • Secrets
    • Confidential investigation
    • Accused is a minor
    • Tickling, horseplay, rough-housing
    • Questionable photos
    • Monitored employee
    • Not allowed to work with children
    • Immature (when describing an employee)
    • Consensual relationship with a teen/child
    • Well-developed child
    • Troubled/emotionally disturbed child or family
    • History of alcohol/drug abuse (in victim or alleged perpetrator)
    • Mature teen
    • Lap-sitting
    • Co-sleeping
    • Overnight, unsupervised trips
    • Affair with a teen/child
    • Inappropriate (and not described) conduct
    • Internal investigation (that is not made public)
    • Employee sent to undisclosed treatment
    • “Times were different”
    • After numerous interviews, child retracted the story
    • Complete review of personnel file (that is not made public)
    • Misunderstood affection

    The code words fall into categories: victim blaming (victim changing story, mature teens, consensual relationships, affairs, emotional disturbance), ignorance (“times were different”), minimization (treatment, misunderstood affection, tickling, horseplay).

    I am more than happy to add to the list … so feel free to respond in the comments.



  • Let’s jump-start bullying prevention

    One of my closest friends once told me, “When you really think about it, bullying is just low-level sexual abuse.” That thought stuck with me.

    What also stuck with me is how prevention of bullying is similar to the prevention of child sexual abuse. It requires good communication, strong self-esteem, and engaged parents who understand the depth of the problem.

    Stopping the cycle of bullying also requires many of the same things required in the prevention of child sexual abuse and cover-up: victim-friendly laws that extend the statute of limitations, exposure of the problem, and a concerted effort to hold enabling school or other officials accountable.

    SCRAM! A Parent’s Quick-Start Guide to Preventing, Identifying, and Ending Bullying is now available for purchase in paperback or as an ebook.



  • The OC WarmLine




    I was at the doctor’s office the other day when I saw a card for the OC WarmLine.

    Sponsored by the National Alliance of Mental Illness-Orange County, the WarmLine is staffed by “warm, friendly voices” who can provide help with substance abuse or mental health concerns (including depression), provide referrals for mental health services, and (this is the best part) just listen and talk to the person who is lonely and confused.

    The service is only available to Orange County, California residents.

    The numbers are:



    Learn more (or live chat with a trained operator) at their website:

    Remember: if you or someone you love is suicidal, call 911.