The New York Child Victims Act: How will you change the world today?

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks in the child sex abuse survivors’ movement. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the news and the emotions involved (Heck, even I’m overwhelmed). After years of little action, it seems as if survivors and advocates have been thrown into a hurricane of news, reaction and emotion—lots and lots…Continue reading The New York Child Victims Act: How will you change the world today?

Class Action Sex Abuse Lawsuits Part 4: Class Actions vs. IRCPs

Part Four in a multi-part series ~ Previous post The enemy of sex abuse and cover-up is the light of truth: Statute of Limitation Reform. Why? Because civil justice—properly executed—demands that such behavior be uncovered and made public. Predators AND the institutional cover-up that enables predators to flourish are EXPOSED. Law enforcement can put bad…Continue reading Class Action Sex Abuse Lawsuits Part 4: Class Actions vs. IRCPs

Class Action Sex Abuse Lawsuits Part 3: The Evil Opt-Out

~Part three in a multi-part series~previous post Settlement Class Actions Lawsuits are BAD for victims, BAD for justice, and a PUBLIC SAFETY HAZARD. And the opt-out? It’s every bishop’s dream. I talked about the opt-out a little in my last post. But in this post, I will talk about why settlement class action lawsuits in…Continue reading Class Action Sex Abuse Lawsuits Part 3: The Evil Opt-Out

Class Action Sex Abuse Lawsuits Part 2: Lessons from Covington

~Part two in a multi-part series~previous post Settlement Class Actions Lawsuits are BAD for victims and BAD for transparency. But they are mighty good for bishops. Here is what we know about victims of child sexual abuse: It can take decades for victims to come forward, because child sexual abuse is a crime of shame…Continue reading Class Action Sex Abuse Lawsuits Part 2: Lessons from Covington

A New Series ~ Settlement Class Action Sex Abuse Lawsuits

~Part one in a multi-part series~ Class Actions: BAD for Victims. BAD for Justice. BAD for Transparency Class action lawsuits are a bishop’s dream and a victim’s nightmare. Let me explain: Earlier this week, news reports discussed a federal class action lawsuit filed on Tuesday against the Vatican and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. (This…Continue reading A New Series ~ Settlement Class Action Sex Abuse Lawsuits