A Rigali in Chaput’s Clothing

We must demand more from Archbishop Chaput – more transparency, more support for legislative change, and more accountability. While many Philadelphia Catholic pundits are cheering the recent appointment of Denver Archbishop Chaput to replace Cardinal Rigali, victims remain rightfully wary.  We’ve seen first hand how easy it is for church officials replace a priest, vicar general,…Continue reading A Rigali in Chaput’s Clothing


This just in from the producers at Dan Rather Reports: Could this Archdiocese of Los Angeles have prevented teens from being subjected to abuse by this predator priest? Tuesday, June 28 at 8:00 p.m. ET DALLAS (June 27, 2011) –Tomorrow night, “Dan Rather Reports” uncovers the dark and disturbing past of a priest who joined…Continue reading “DAN RATHER REPORTS” UNCOVERS NEW EVIDENCE THAT A PRIEST JOINED L.A. ARCHDIOCESE DESPITE HIS TROUBLING PAST

The Orphan

or: The amazingly well-written, life-changing, relevant, engaging, exciting and immensely readable book proposal that the New York publishing machine determined that no one wanted to read. There was a study published recently showing that rejection (romantic or otherwise) causes physical pain. I wholeheartedly agree. Why? Last week, after a five-month sales push by my big-time…Continue reading The Orphan

A Parenting Revelation: It’s Time To Stop Punishing Tattletales

Here’s a parenting question: Do you know what we can do right now to empower our kids, help prevent sexual abuse, hinder bullies, put criminals behind bars and foster corporate and organizational transparency? The Answer: We have to stop punishing our tattletales. A Little Background I spend most of my afternoons watching the neighborhood kids…Continue reading A Parenting Revelation: It’s Time To Stop Punishing Tattletales

The Plague on Both Your Houses, Boehner and Pelosi

I don’t really like talking politics.  But today, it’s all about politics. Roll Call reported last week that Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner had agreed upon a new House Chaplain: a Jesuit priest from the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus (Oregon Jesuits), Fr. Patrick Conroy. Victims were outraged. Why? In March, the Oregon…Continue reading The Plague on Both Your Houses, Boehner and Pelosi

The California Clergy Sex Abuse Powder Keg

The California Bishops Conference thought “it” was all over in 2007 … The Golden State, chiefly forgotten since the 2007 $660 million settlement against the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, has been overshadowed lately by a devastating grand jury report in Philadelphia, large civil child sex abuse settlements in Delaware and the Pacific Northwest, and the…Continue reading The California Clergy Sex Abuse Powder Keg