A note to my friends about AB 218

Mater Dei, TAABC, Diocese of Orange

CA AB 218 is now law. Victims of child sexual abuse—no matter how old they are or when the abuse occurred (public or private institutions are both included, as well as victims in the family)—can come forward in the courts and expose what happened.

For those of us from Mater Dei, the All-American Boys Chorus, and the Diocese of Orange, it’s a time for thought and action.

Coming forward and exposing the crime does not “hurt” these institutions – these institutions knew about our abuse and covered it up. Talking about your abuse does not shame you or your family. It’s the first step in healing. Even if some of your best memories were of high school, choir, or church, that doesn’t mean that these places get a “pass.” Here is why:

You did not ask to be abused. You did nothing wrong. No child ever deserves to be sexually assaulted by a teacher, priest, coach, parent, relative, or volunteer.

Mater Dei, the AABC and the Diocese of Orange deliberately covered-up abuse. They knew who the predators were and they did nothing to keep them away from us, the kids. In fact, they kept us and our parents in the dark. They lied to us when we came forward to disclose and made us think we were the only ones. When our lives went south, they were not there to provide support. In many cases, we were blamed for the abuse.

And finally, has anything changed? We simply don’t know. Why? Because they won’t tell us and they have no accountability unless survivors stand up and demand it. We don’t know if kids are safe. We don’t know what the secrets are.

If you are ready, it’s time for the secrets to end. It’s time for the shame to stop.

If you have questions or want to talk about options, please contact me. I can help.


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