Convicted priest booted from OKC

But where is he now? That’s an important question …

From NewsOK:

Tuesday, in a prepared statement, Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, archbishop of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, said the Rev. Jose Alexis Davila was removed from his pastoral work in the archdiocese after more investigation was conducted into the priest’s past.

Considering the archbishop claimed to have done an exhaustive investigation, I can only conclude that the real issue was parishioner pushback.

Why? Because all you needed to do to learn the full story of Davila is do a Google search and read this blog. And it doesn’t cost a nickle.

But on to the important question: Where is Davila now?

From OKC Archbishop Coakley’s statement:

After a continued investigation by archdiocesan staff, I became aware late Monday of new information regarding the allegations against Father Alexis Davila that made it necessary for me to remove him from pastoral work in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Father Davila left the archdiocese on Tuesday. (emphasis mine)

So we don’t know where he is. We don’t know if he’s allowed to be a priest. We don’t know where he’s living or working.

Coakley just passed the trash down the road. He had options: He could have forced Davila to live in a monastery, away from vulnerable populations (women, children).  He could have made Davila live a life of prayer and penance.

But he didn’t. So now, we need to keep looking for Jose Alexis Davila. And hopefully, if he turns up in another parish, Catholics and parents will be as brave and strong as the people of Lawton.




3 responses to “Convicted priest booted from OKC”

  1. Michael Skiendzielewski

    “….But in another statement from the Archbishop Tuesday night, he says that new information he received made it necessary to remove Father Davila from all work at Blessed Sacrament, and at the other churches he served in Elgin, Apache and Sterling….”

    Sorry, Bishop Coakley, You DID NOT NEED new information to make such a decision. The fact that you would make such an assertion is troubling indeed for the safety and protection of the children within THEIR archdiocese and Catholic Church.

    To put YOUR children at risk for such an extended period of time is inexcusable.

    Michael Skiendzielewski
    Captain (retired)
    Philadelphia Police Dept.

  2. Margaret Fagan

    Given the commandment, “Thou Shall Not Lie”, the ability of the RCC hierarchy to tiptoe around the truth leaving mud all over their shoes should at least increase some time in purgatory.

  3. ClevelandGirl

    Congratulations to the sheeple of the diocese for having the cojones to speak up and say they want him out! I’m thinking that this bishop has no knowledge of female anatomy, as he believed Davila’s comment that he “inadvertently” digitally penetrated the victim over words of the victim and the court’s conviction and sentence. Just *how* does someone “inadvertently” digitally penetrate someone? Apparently this bishop believes that this is possible, as he saw nothing wrong with what Davila did (sexual assault) until a whole bunch of people called him on it.

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