Category: Uncategorized

  • Okay, okay …

    At the urging of several people, I finally decided to join Narcissism Nation and start a blog.  And for the first time in my life, I am at a loss for words.  I doubt my writer’s block will last for long – my mother didn’t call me “The Mouth” for nothing.
    The rules:  I refuse to be depressing.  And maybe, just maybe, this journey will be remotely interesting.  And funny.  I like funny.  Funny is good
    Oh?  You want to know about the title: The Pope Does Make Me Puke …?  That little gem came from childhood friend (and current inspiration) Vicky Bruce.  And yes: I would look FAR better in red Prada shoes than Benedict would.  
    One last disclaimer:  the views expressed here are mine alone and do not reflect the wonderful organizations that allow me to do my work with some sense of legitimacy.
    So, there you have it.  The lines are open …