Author: Joelle Casteix

  • A challenge for the good priests

    I have never had any kind of tolerance for institutional malfeasance. Shocker, I know. But what really intrigues me is this: Why are the vast majority of America’s Catholic priests silent when it comes to child sex abuse and cover-up in the church?


    In Los Angeles, a document release in January showed that high-ranking church officials knew about abuse, hampered police investigations, didn’t look for victims, lied to parishioners, and helped abusers escape justice.

    In Orange County, documents released in 2005 showed much of the same thing … except we are still MISSING the files of many of OC’s biggest perpetrators (Michael Harris, anyone?). Then there is the fact that the man who personally engineered the cover-up of abuse and protection of predators, Msgr. John Urell, has never been punished and sits in a swanky south county parish. No shame, no remorse, no accountability.

    In St. Paul & Minneapolis, an ever-growing scandal is unfolding daily. Besides the cache of porn and the sex abuse and cover-up lawsuits filed almost daily, two more priests were removed over the weekend. A long-time St. Paul priest finally admitted openly, “I am embarrased to be Catholic.”

    In Kansas City-St. Joseph, a man convicted of child endangerment is the bishop. ‘Nuff said.

    In Newark, Archbishop Myers has been mired in scandal, blaming a “slipshod filing system” for abusers kept in ministry in Illinois. (He also—a la Sheriff of Nottingham—had no problem accepting gifts of coins and gold from priests, even accepting one priest’s beloved camera). Myers also said that putting a convicted sex offender back in ministry was “an appropriate decision at the time.” The offender, Michael Fugee, was convicted of sexual misconduct in 2003. A spokesman for Archbishop Myers said in April of this year, “Father Fugee remains a priest who is allowed to be in ministry. There is no change in his status at this point.” Fugee has since been removed, and the New Jersey Star Ledger has even called for Myers’ removal.

    And from the priests? Silence.

    Why aren’t the priests in Kansas City up in arms that their boss is CONVICTED of shielding child pornography? Is it fear? Is it shame? Is it obedience?

    I think another part of the problem is NIMBY-ism. Priests in areas not mired in scandal say, “Well, those kinds of things don’t happen here.” Or, in the case of Orange County and Los Angeles, they say, “It happened a long time ago. Times were different then.”

    There are two problems with that argument. The first is obvious: Child sex abuse, the cover-up of abuse, and shielding predators have been wrong for generations (lots of generations).

    The second problem is the one that priests seem to forget: They have no say who their new boss is going to be. What happens if suddenly, a man like Archbishop Myers, Cardinal Mahony, John Urell, St. Paul Archbishop Nienstedt, Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn, OC Bishop Kevin Vann (who refuses to remove John Urell), or another problematic cleric becomes the LOCAL bishop. Now what?

    Suddenly, the problem IS in the priest’s backyard. And because he refused to speak out when it was safer, he certainly cannot speak out now that a problematic bishop is his local prelate.

    I don’t think Jesus would sit silently in his parish. In case you have forgotten, Jesus was the champion of social justice and rebellious change.

    Here is my challenge to every priest in the United States: Think back to that day when you first got your calling. Was your calling to sigh and shake your head when bishops endangered your parishioners and broke the law? Was it your calling to realize that your bosses at the chancery knew about abuse and shuffled reams of paperwork to cover it up? Was it your calling to swallow hard and play nice with men you KNOW covered up for the criminals in your ranks?

    No! Your calling was to celebrate your faith, fight for the underdog, bring people to God, and rid the world of sin.

    If you care about your faith, then it is time for you to stand up. If you care about victims, it is time for you to demand change. How do you do that? It’s easy: say so and do it publicly. Do it at the pulpit and record it. Write a letter and post it on the internet. Post a comment here and on every news story that talks about church child sex crimes and cover-up. Don’t let fear of losing your job or your pension hold you back.

    You vowed to be like Jesus. Now it’s your time. Victims are depending on you.


  • Compliance, public nuisance, and some angry priests in MN

    First, let’s talk about compliance.


    Since 2002, Catholics and the public have been “assured” time and time again that dioceses across the United States are “in compliance” with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, a set of rules created by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops after the scandals in Boston more than 11 years ago.

    As recently as 2012, the Archdiocese of Minneapolis/St. Paul was in “full compliance” with the Charter to Protect Children and Young People. So says the Archdiocese’s website:

    The Archdiocese is grateful to everyone in parishes, Catholic schools and other locations who work to ensure that the Charter requirements are implemented. We appreciate your efforts and your continued cooperation to help create and maintain safe environments in local Church ministry.

    The problem? Well, since the implementation Minnesota’s three-year civil window for adult victims of child sexual abuse, the public has learned that Archdiocese officials have very recently kept perpetrators in ministry and hid a cache of child porn in the chancery basement.

    If THIS is compliance in Minnesota, what is going on in other dioceses nationwide? And what else is hiding in the bowels of chancery buildings across the state of Minnesota?

    We know one thing they are hiding: None of the bishops in the state have publicly released the names of credibly accused clerics (For the sake of comparison, even Cardinal Roger Mahony put out a list.).

    Victims figure that if internal church documents can expose perpetrators and the cover-up of child porn in St. Paul, these lists of credibly accused clerics may expose MORE men in ministry.

    If the lists are made public, the names could send shock waves through Minnesota communities.

    Despite his claims that he is not covering up abuse, Minneapolis/St. Paul Archbishop John Nienstadt refuses to release the lists. The only way that victims and the public can get access is through the courts. To do that successfully, victims’ attorneys have said in court documents that keeping the lists private is a “public nuisance.”

    I have to agree—hiding porn and protecting offenders in ministry are public safety risks—and so is keeping these list of names secret. If this kind of cover-up happened in a school district or other public entity, the public would have the right to file an FOIA request. But without those kinds of rights, victims and the public have been intentionally kept in the dark about abusers. All the while, the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis is patting itself on the back because of its “compliance” rating when it comes to child safety.

    Let’s hope that the victims are successful and that other survivors with civil rights across the country are able to do the same.

    A side note—Priests in Minneapolis and St. Paul are rightfully angry. When an archdiocese won’t name the bad clerics, how can anyone know who the good clerics are? By covering up the abuse, the Archdiocese has given every priest a huge black eye.


  • Child porn is a window into the soul of the church

    Why would a vowed celibate man have pictures of naked or semi-naked children on his computer? Why, when given the evidence of these photos, would this man’s supervisors do little or nothing, even when the crime is federal and one of the easiest to report?

    Since, in this case, the supervisor is a Catholic bishop and the man with the pornography is a priest, the inaction of the bishop is a window into the fetid, rotten soul of hierarchy of the church.

    This situation above reflects scandals that have rocked two midwest dioceses: St. Paul/Minneapolis and Kansas City/St. Joseph. In both instances, priests were in possession of evidence or photographs of naked or semi-naked children. The bishops, when finding out about the images, didn’t report. Instead they hid (or allegedly hid) evidence in order to protect the church.

    The soul of the hierarchy of the church cannot get any more rotten than that.

    In the real world, child pornography is a federal crime. It’s also one of the easiest crimes to report. The evidence is apparent and obvious. In the case of priests, the line is even more distinct: there is no reason whatsoever that an ordained and celibate cleric should have anything even remotely resembling child pornography is his possession. And if there is any question, a supervisor should report the photographs to law enforcement anyway.

    There is no moral ambiguity. There is no “he said-she said,” no need for an internal investigation, no need for a “task force” to review policies. If the bishops had come in possession of evidence cooked books, they would have reported immediately. But when given photographic evidence of child sexual abuse, they sat on their thumbs.

    If that is not moral rot, then I don’t know what is. The only thing that Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn and St. Paul Archbishop John Nienstedt needed was moral courage. They fell flat.

    We have had 11 years of the church’s “smoke-and-mirrors dog-and-pony-reform-show.” It is a massive failure.

    I, for one, am done with it.


  • Haunting Questions Wednesday

    In honor of Halloween, let’s ask some scary questions.

    — How many California Bishops personally met with California Governor Jerry Brown (or spoke to him on the phone uninterrupted) to discuss the now-defeated Child Victims’ Act?

    — How many victims were able to personally meet with Jerry Brown?

    Considering Brown’s SB 131 veto letter, the answer is apparent. It is quite sad when high-powered tax-exempt religious leaders get greater access to our elected officials than tax-paying crime victims.




  • Brown Denies Justice to Victims – Guest Blog Post – Mark Crawford

    Governor Jerry Brown denies justice for those sexually abused as children

    Mark Crawford

    Last week Catholic officials were jubilant when Governor Jerry Brown chose to kill bill SB 131, which would have temporarily lifted the statute of limitations for some child victims of sexual abuse. The governor made several excuses as to why he struck down the bill. He referenced the Romans who first used the “statute of limitations” centuries ago. Curious choice, but had Governor Brown, the former Jesuit seminarian done his homework sufficiently he would have learned that the application of the statute of limitations, at that time, applied to debts, or money owed, not crimes. In fact, the Romans were more than harsh with those who violated the law for far lesser crimes. I have never heard of Pontius Pilot discussing the statute of limitations before ordering a crucifixion, have you?  Have church leaders and Governor Brown forgotten about a man called Jesus Christ?  Only in the last 100 years have lawyers began to apply SOL to other “infractions” of the law.

    Church officials and the governor’s main argument is an example of hypocrisy at its finest.  Both claimed the bill was “unfair” as it only applied to victims of private institutions, not public. Was it was unfair to exclude some of the victims?  Perhaps, but their solution to this disparity was to deny everyone the opportunity for justice by vetoing bill SB 131. Why not pass this bill, as it afforded justice to some victims and THEN introduce a bill that would include public institutions as well? Neither Church officials nor the Governor has spoken of any such intention.

    We have repeatedly heard church officials claim “evidence is lost, witnesses die and memories fade” as a reason to oppose reforming statute of limitation laws throughout our country. We now know in many cases the opposite is often true. There is in fact much evidence. Should we simply forget about the cases that have concrete record of criminal behavior or wrong-doing?  Of course not. Then why should they be time-barred as well? I don’t hear the Catholic conference, our bishops or the governor speaking about that injustice.

    We know there have been instances in which priests admitted to molesting children, plenty of examples in which the priest wrote or texted his victim discussing his sexual acts and we know there have been cases where church officials held documents detailing claims of previous victims. We saw several clear examples in the recently released files of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, where Cardinals and bishops worked to conceal these crimes from law enforcement and the faithful. How could Governor Brown not see the appalling injustice of protecting powerful institutions, which sought to violate civil law over the need to protect children from known predators?  The acts of exposing past crimes and allowing victims civil rights protect children. They are also a deterrent to institutions that put self-preservation before child protection.

    Governor Brown said institutions should feel secure that “past acts are indeed in the past and not subject to further lawsuits.” I think it is clear he didn’t bother to read the clergy abuse files that were released by the Los Angeles Archdiocese as a part of the 2007 settlement with more than 500 abuse victims. Those documents clearly demonstrated these were not failed acts—but deliberate attempts to skirt civil law.

    Finally, should church or Boy Scout officials be rewarded for taking years to release documents (which proved they hid knowledge of sexual predators within their organizations)?  How can one possibly believe that institutions that intentionally ignored the law cannot be subjected to accountability for past crimes simply because they were able to conceal evidence until the SOL expired?  It was not by accident Cardinal Mahony spent years fighting the release of court ordered documents—documents which could have afforded more victims access to our courts. Governor Brown’s veto has sent the wrong message: “If you conceal the truth long enough, you can get away with it.”

    People of California: don’t be fooled, this bill was not killed because of unequal justice, it was killed to ensure powerful institutions remain free from consequences while victims are denied access to our legal system. Shame on you, Governor Brown, for capitulating to the demands of California’s Catholic bishops.


    Mark is a survivor of clergy abuse and currently serves as the NJ Sate Director of SNAP, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests He also is an Advisory Board member of and is the subject of a Documentary, : “Boys and Men Healing” produced by Big Voice Pictures