Less than 24 hours after Stockton Bishop Stephen Blaire announced his intentions to file bankruptcy on Wednesday, the Calaveras County Grand Jury has handed down a criminal indictment of Fr. Michael Kelly.

According to the Lodi News/Modesto Bee, “the criminal grand jury indicted Kelly on three counts of lewd and lascivious conduct on a child and one count of oral copulation with a child.”
During five years of civil litigation—which unearthed enough evidence to convince a civil jury that Kelly most likely had abused Travis Trotter—Bishop Blaire allowed Kelly to remain in ministry, working with children and administering sacraments (holding the keys to parishioners’ salvation). After the jury verdict and Kelly fled to Ireland, Blaire said he “urged Kelly to return” but continued to defend the priest‘s innocence. On the eve of a criminal indictment, Blaire declares bankruptcy.
What more do you need to know about Stockton’s child protection policies?
More evidence that proves ongoing civil and criminal RICO enterprises operated by the politically connected Catholic Church and its many aiders and abettors. How many lives will be destroyed because the FBI and USDOJ play the ostrich? This is a shameful truth that society’s leaders have a duty to STOP, CORRECT and/or REVOKE TAX EXEMPT STATUS!
I have noticed that this time around, two years later NO ONE in the comment forums in the Stockton area are defending Kelly. Two years ago there were hordes of them and they viciously attacked the victims and attorney John Manly.
It seems like it all starts with the Bishops. The young priests find out from them, that it’s ok to use children, the handicapped or marginalized for an outlet for their sexual needs. The Bishops each have a young priest who acts as their Secretary and they teach them how it’s done and use them for their sexual pleasures.
Doesn’t this sound like the perfect way out ..?????…….all you have to do . Is confess your “outlet problem” and go . on from there. Problem.: This never gets satisfied and more & more abuse victims are needed. So we see them grooming more and more unsuspecting victims everyday. Years later there are hundreds of sexual misfits in life , thinking they are evil people because of these. clergy people. bringing Jesus Christ into the equation.Excuse me.. I meant ” CON” ! How really good is this ? And then do everything you can to blame the victims????the law, or any one but themselves. How long do “we” allow this scenario to go on?????