Call me crazy, but priests who admit to sexually assaulting ANYONE need to find a new job …

I mean, c’mon. Fr. Davila pled GUILTY. He wouldn’t pass the diocese background check, yet he’s in a parish: Bishops Robert Brom and Cirillo Flores say that they have addressed all of the pastoral concerns. Really? How about the concerns of the victim? ************************************ For immediate release: Tuesday, June 12 For more information: David Clohessy…Continue reading Call me crazy, but priests who admit to sexually assaulting ANYONE need to find a new job …

I don’t think this is what Fr. Damien had in mind …

Things are looking uglier and uglier for the Irish Christian Brothers at Damien Memorial High School in Honolulu. To date, we have found five known perpetrators who worked at the school, had direct access to students, and abused. There are the three we discovered in January: Fr. Gerald Funcheon, Br. Robert Brouillette, and Br. Thomas Ford, And…Continue reading I don’t think this is what Fr. Damien had in mind …

More Trouble for Stockton: Oliver O’Grady Re-emerges

 Oliver O’Grady is like a cockroach: He will never, never, ever go away. A new Oliver O’Grady victim has come forward and filed a lawsuit against the notorious predator and the Diocese of Stockton. SNAP will have a press conference tomorrow to release details. On the heels of the Michael Kelly verdict, this is very,…Continue reading More Trouble for Stockton: Oliver O’Grady Re-emerges

Most of the time – but not every time – our courts get it right …

  I am a huge fan of the US justice system.  After more than 200 years, our impartial courts have “gotten it right” a vast majority of the time. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best in the world. Here’s a great example: Last week, a jury unanimously found that Fr. Michael Kelly was liable for abusing…Continue reading Most of the time – but not every time – our courts get it right …

Honoring the tragically flawed is tragically flawed

Why, oh why, does the Catholic Church continue to bestow honors and awards on tragically flawed wrong-doers? Disgraced Former Philadelphia Cardinal Justin Rigali   Trial watchers in Philadelphia have been treated to a firsthand view of vile and disgusting human behavior. What makes it worse is that the evildoers are priests and the victims are children. The…Continue reading Honoring the tragically flawed is tragically flawed