Many of you may have seen posts about All Survivors Day yesterday.
Now what? It’s time for change. It’s time for action.
The past two years have been a whirlwind of news about child sexual assault and cover-ups. The scandal is being exposed everywhere—churches, sports, camps, organizations, public and private schools.
If you think there is nothing you can do, you’re wrong. You CAN help change things. But how?
I have started a new organization for change. We are leading the way for both survivors of abuse and outraged citizens who want to expose predators and protect children. The old ways are no longer working. Hand-wringing and protesting can only do so much. We need an army. An army of people working towards real action and positive change.
I need your help. Together, we can stop child sexual assault, abuse and cover-ups. And we can win …because there are more of us than there are of them.
My new organization is STOP. Our website is easy to remember. It’s
STOP is Survivors Taking On Predators. The STOP Team leads the nation in changing laws to allow more survivors to come forward, exposing predators and institutional cover-ups, and protecting tens of thousands of children. STOP is about positive action and change … changing laws and changing lives. We are the future of the child protection movement.
STOP is power. You are not powerless. And those who cover-up for predators are no longer powerful.
STOPPERS—that’s YOU—are taking away predators’ “hunting licenses” and protecting children from being their next victim.
Click here to sign up! It’s easy. Because we are an army, your load will be light. YOU will be on the front lines taking away predators’ hunting licenses nationwide.
Soon, you will receive emails on the simple things you can do to change the world and take away predators’ hunting licenses. We won’t flood your inbox. We won’t pitch for cash. We are not in competition with other organizations. We need an army of people who will help do some of the work.
Turn trauma into a shield that protects children. Turn fear, shock and anger into a positive force for change.
Join me. Join STOP.