Hawaii Legislative Update

How about some GOOD news out of a state legislature?

Hawaii State Legislature has TWO ground-breaking, victim-friendly bills that have just passed committee.

Why the legislative attention? The current Hawaii Civil Window, which closes in April, has opened lawmakers’ eyes to the problem of child sex abuse and cover-up across the state. Fortunately, these same eyes also see that two years are simply not enough time for many victims. Since the window opened in 2012, approximately 30 men and women have come forward to seek justice—but we are only really at the genesis of exposing the cover-up. Once that process begins, the real social and cultural change starts …

You can’t put a time limit on healing and you can’t instantly change a cultural stigma on abuse.

Here are the two bills:

SB 2687 – Sponsored by Senator Maile Shimabukuro (the sponsor of the original window) and Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland – If passed, this law would give victims of child sexual abuse up until the age of 55 to use the civil courts to seek justice and accountability.

HB 2034 – Sponsored by the Hawaii Women’s Legislative Caucus – If passed, this law removed the criminal and civil statutes of limitations on first and second degree sexual assault and the continuous assault of a minor under 14.

Thank you to hero survivors like Andre Bisquera, who continue to work for victims’ rights (even with a newborn at home!)



1 thought on “Hawaii Legislative Update

  1. I prefer ‘eliminated’ SOL’s — the ‘arithmatic’ process leaves wounded victims at the side of the road

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